Daily Archives: May 17, 2012


So I missed the boat for Bike to work week this week. I wanted to do a big piece to try and get you all to think about giving up the car some over these past few days, but as usual, a bajillion other things got in the way.


Tomorrow is Bike to Work Day! And I am still planning on giving away 6 of those nifty leg straps to the 3 people with the best (or most courageous) bike to work story and the 3 to people who biked the furthest. So if you do bike to work on Friday, or ride the bus, or walk, or carpool, or hitchhike, or ride horseback or teleport, take a few minutes to leave a comment and tell everyone what it was like and how far you had to travel.

In addition to my awesome bike strap giveaway, there are a lot of different things going on that day and a good group of businesses around town have different promotions for people who leave the car at home Friday. And of course there is the Facebook page and here is the Press Release form MetroPlan

There are also a few other promotional offers at these locations.

Tropical Smoothie – 10% Off Any Smoothie With Button
River Market Grocery – Free Water Bottle W/ Purchase Of Sandwich Or Wrap
Casa Manana – 10% Off
Rivershore Eatery – 20% Off

Middle Eastern Cuisine and Bobby’s Bike Hike are both offering promotions as well

To get in on some of these freebies and discounts Friday after your bike ride, you need to have a “I biked to work” button. You can pick one up at the Metroplan Center at 501 west Markham while they last. Or if you ride in with one of the bike convoys around town.

If you want to bike on Friday but are a hesitant to take off alone on the streets, There is a group of convoys meeting up at different locations around town to bike around town together. There is a list of the different routes and I have drawn up a map showing where the different groups are going to meet and where they will be riding to. Please note, the routes may not be exact! But the starting and ending points are. So if you see a stop near where you live on the map, think about leaving the car at home for a day, get some fresh air and exercise and show your support for a better biking community in Central Arkansas!

Click Here fo the Convoy Map PDF


Posted by on May 17, 2012 in Little Rock